Lately I have been contemplating what it means to keep changing. The stress is in the word 'keep'. Realizing that God calls us to a radically different life then what we see in the world, a one and done event is never enough, God wants to keep molding us into a beautiful creation, allowing for us not to stay the same.
If spiritual maturity has been reached in some fashion, then of course that is a wonderful praise filled change in our life. If we only take it as something that happened once however, we are subject to great difficulties later down the road. This happens because we feel, rightly so, that God has changed us for the better, yet we don't know what to do when new circumstances occur because we were changed under older ones, past ones. What I'm leading to is that although we may have come to God and He has pressed upon us a new way of life, this is the wonderful creative God who says I can be more than I think I am because He will give me the ability to be whatever He wants me to be.
Right now I have come to realize that I have an identity with many people, including myself. This might be called self awareness, I don't know, but whatever it is it is certainly a humbling experience when it floods over you. "Is that really me? Is that how I really reacted to that person or situation?" I am left surprised that though I claim God is my guide in life I still allow the weak flesh to take over and act as though I have to figure out how to react daily to people all by myself.
But the Spirit is with me. And He is always nudging me.
The fact is, thinking that I will only be this one way in life is not healthy. This life is a journey God has provided for me, and Christ as my savior wants to see me loving like He did in this situation or that situation. His patience is overwhelming, yet I very well know that a better way of life is at hand if I change more. This better way of life is the best life, by living out the fruit of the Spirit not all at once, but through a lifetime.
Jesus gave His life up for me so that I can change freely. Once I establish a relationship it is as if I set an expectation of staying the same with that person through our relationship. Acting a little different all of a sudden might raise eyebrows. Oh my!
My prayer is to wipe away fear of change. I should be praising God more in my vocabulary, stop side stepping when someone is truly in need, listen better to those around me, and above all, to love Christ no matter the situation I am in or who I am around at the time. I have an awesome personality that God has already given me, He just wants me to look more like His Son. I believe that this is the greatest sacrifice that we can make, giving up ourselves, our way of life, our way of being a lifetime christian, our set patterns, our false pat on the backs. Give up our lives, look different each and every waking day, as Christ gave His life away up on that cross for all our sins.
If spiritual maturity has been reached in some fashion, then of course that is a wonderful praise filled change in our life. If we only take it as something that happened once however, we are subject to great difficulties later down the road. This happens because we feel, rightly so, that God has changed us for the better, yet we don't know what to do when new circumstances occur because we were changed under older ones, past ones. What I'm leading to is that although we may have come to God and He has pressed upon us a new way of life, this is the wonderful creative God who says I can be more than I think I am because He will give me the ability to be whatever He wants me to be.
Right now I have come to realize that I have an identity with many people, including myself. This might be called self awareness, I don't know, but whatever it is it is certainly a humbling experience when it floods over you. "Is that really me? Is that how I really reacted to that person or situation?" I am left surprised that though I claim God is my guide in life I still allow the weak flesh to take over and act as though I have to figure out how to react daily to people all by myself.
But the Spirit is with me. And He is always nudging me.
The fact is, thinking that I will only be this one way in life is not healthy. This life is a journey God has provided for me, and Christ as my savior wants to see me loving like He did in this situation or that situation. His patience is overwhelming, yet I very well know that a better way of life is at hand if I change more. This better way of life is the best life, by living out the fruit of the Spirit not all at once, but through a lifetime.
Jesus gave His life up for me so that I can change freely. Once I establish a relationship it is as if I set an expectation of staying the same with that person through our relationship. Acting a little different all of a sudden might raise eyebrows. Oh my!
My prayer is to wipe away fear of change. I should be praising God more in my vocabulary, stop side stepping when someone is truly in need, listen better to those around me, and above all, to love Christ no matter the situation I am in or who I am around at the time. I have an awesome personality that God has already given me, He just wants me to look more like His Son. I believe that this is the greatest sacrifice that we can make, giving up ourselves, our way of life, our way of being a lifetime christian, our set patterns, our false pat on the backs. Give up our lives, look different each and every waking day, as Christ gave His life away up on that cross for all our sins.