This may be a post where I am part convincing myself, part convincing the reader. Maybe I should not look at it like that at all, and just spell this out. God. It does all come down to relationship. I was talking with a friend of mine a week ago about what makes a Christian Christian. What separates the greatest humanitarian atheist from a meek, non-confrontational, addict-overcoming Christian is echoed in this statement: "I don't know you." This is found in some parables explaining how God will look at some people who will cry out for Him. But how can the God who created not know His creation? I would venture to say the same way a wife may turn to a husband at some point in the marriage and say, "I don't even know anymore." Either asleep at the wheel follower or atheist, both are missing the relationship with Jesus. I find this term something of a given since it has been injected into my head over and over growing up in the church, bu...
Observing God Within The Mundane