In "Vintage Jesus" Mark Driscoll titles a chapter "Where is Jesus Today?" I almost skipped over it at the time, because I did not care to strap a GPS on Jesus. He's in heaven, right, end of story? Dr iscoll makes a statement in the chapter that pops up a couple times. He says: Sadly, when many people think of Jesus they only understand his past humble incarnation and neglect his current glorious exaltation. (pg. 149) I found this to be very refreshing and helpful. To walk away understanding the full portrait the Word speaks of itself is to find the classic story of the King amongst His peasants . This romanticized tale that is common helps me now to appreciate the power of Christ in the present. It has been said thousands of times in thousands of ways, but the fact that God humbled Himself and took on flesh is a wonderful expression of True Love. But where I find the story missing its fullness, and where it rightly comes up short, is when we leave out that t...
Observing God Within The Mundane