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Showing posts from October, 2005

off guard Expectaion

The weather has such a grasp on our emotions. On this day in particular in the year, the Sunday after the falling back of an hour, your emotions are doubly toyed with. Today it was 60 degrees which most certainly does not depict a normal October 30th in the state of Michigan. And I would have to assume that they planned to do this time switch on a Saturday so that your first time to adjust with this shift to a quickened darkness would be on a Sunday night. And Sundays most assuredly have a different feel to them anyway, if you are a Church goer. SO all this equaled to a spurt of emotions that I could only recall as the dawn of Halloween. Its effect actually triggered memories from my RAM (random access memory). I could recall, after filling up my tank of gas from the same neighborhood station at the same pump, unique memories as I drove through the neighborhood. They were very comforting as they are memories that remind me of who I am and what I have done in my life. But these are the ...

time not well Spent

It can only be viewed as an understatement, but free speech most certainly has to be the most important part of democracy. Without this vital characteristic, people would be pinned up in a fear of when and where they can say what they truly think and believe. On that note, it can be a double egged sword. I find this to be true when I began to listen to Christian talk radio for the first time. There had been a reluctancy before my decision, for I have been a Christian for quite a while. I'm sure that it is not even a requirement anyway that upon becoming a Christian you have to listen to Christian talk radio. But this reluctancy had been bred by my stereotype of the tone of these talk shows. I thought that I was going to be exposed to never ending gay bashing and abortion talk, but instead it was worse. I thought I was listening to Rush Limbaugh. Throughout the entire show, and that being only what I was listening to at different hours of the show, there were non stop political disc...