How do you respect someone who is not you? O.K., how about someone who is not in your family? What about a step further, someone not in your 'group?' How about even to stretch it as far as your enemy? How do you respect them? This word is so big, respect, because it can truly effect a persons ability to function in life. If one is not receiving enough of it than they begin to question things. They begin to think, "is God the only one who respects me?" This is a rant and rage more than a blog. This is emotion. I simply can not accept that cliques form within the church . I'm not saying just little groups of friends. I mean high school childish cliques. This is something that has to stop. Please stop it. Unite. Don't start singling out people because they are not like you; they don't vote your party, they, oh my goodness, had a divorce! Please stop this. Jesus is all about uniting followers, not casting stones at each other, even if some mess up more than ot...
Observing God Within The Mundane