The fact that I have been tuning myself in to God's radio station for the past 2 or more years now has enabled me to finally get the right frequency. I'd love to challenge all the psychologists out there that say that hearing God is essentially based upon one's own preferences, and that their blinders have them honing in on anything that they would feel as being related to God. The example they would give would be like a Christian saying that a brownie taught them a lesson the other day about God, that he 'spoke' to them through the medium of a brownie. That sounds freakin crazy. But is it crazy? The main point of Romans 1:18-32 is to fire up the Romans into understanding that God's presence has always been around, but instead of seeing that we have seen the tree of knowledge; we have chosen to see the devil. Since the Fall of mankind, there has been this distortion between what we commonly accept and what is. God IS; and the devil is the distortion. What we com...
Observing God Within The Mundane