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Showing posts from May, 2005

the LIFE

............the life. After explaining that Jesus is the way and the truth, now it all comes together. If a person is fully going the way, all along accepting Jesus as the truth, then they are finally living the life that is pleasing to God. The outcome of the first two is life, because without them there is death. Life is when we are physically alive (although this has just become debatable in recent history as in abortion and Terri Shiavo). To read and understand the Bible, one must know the language though that it is using. This life Jesus speaks of is not physical life, but spiritual. At the same time though it will effect our present physical life, and others that are around us. Jimmy Carter heard someone say this, and it really stuck with him. This is the saying that if he were charged for being a Christian, would their be enough evidence to convict him? The evidence that will be used against him, and me and you, will be our lives. If we are not living the life that God wants us...


This is just about the most profound part of the verse. Jesus says that after the way, he is the truth. What makes this so bizarre is to compare it with philosophy. In an intro class I have taken at college, one thing that stuck with me was the pursuit for truth. This search is right next to man's search for life beyond this planet, or the meaning of life, or even what came first: the chicken or the egg? Good questions nonetheless, but the question about absolute truth effects the conclusions to all those questions. For if we do not find out what truth is, our conclusions could just be the opposite of what it really is. So many man hours have gone into defining truth, but more so searching for it. It is even believed that everything is just a cover up and we can never find true truth. Jesus on the other hand knows the truth. In fact he knows it real well. In fact, he is the truth! All of the searching by man can come to an end, for the conclusion is as simple as saying that it is ...

the WAY

First, Jesus says he is the way. This means that in response to Thomas's question, which in turn was about Jesus's statement, Jesus says that to get to where he is going he is the way. Under normal circumstances, this place would be somewhere on Earth and would have directions to get there that are left, right, north, south. But Jesus says that instead of taking a right on I-94, you go down the path Jesus goes. Where is this path? What is the destination? Where am I going? This path leads to the place of the Father (God, in case you have not read my first blog). God is somewhere, this is one of the meanings of this verse. To come to the Father means to go where he is, which means he is somewhere. The thing is he is all around, he is the breath you take, he is the door you walk through going into the bar. Unfortunately many do not know the way to him, so when they enter the bar they don't realize God is there. God is in the person who drinks but does not get drunk, so as to ...

John 14:6

John 14:6 sure says a lot. So much, that I decided it would be a fitting title to a blog site. Just in case there is no bible handy for you to pick up, it goes something like this: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This is Jesus, and he's answering a question from one of the twelve (like he does so often). Just before this he is saying that there are many rooms prepared by him for whoever goes to where this is. In good 'ole Jesus style, at the end of verse four he says "You know the way to the place I am going." I say this as typical Jesus style, as how he would teach things, almost with a John Wayne attitude about it. "You know." But Thomas didn't know, because he asked how do they find the way. And again, in typical Jesus style, he comes back with more information then is necessary, because he just wanted to set them up to ask that question. So he answers with a lot of info. In fact so m...